Create a QR code menu in seconds!
You can create a QR code menu for restaurants, cafes, hotels and manage it yourself at any time. Start with a 14-day free trial.
Secure and reliable
Secure access and usage through QR code.
Secure and reliable
Secure access and usage through QR code.
Fast and convenient
Quick and easy to use for customers.
Modern solution
Innovative approach through digital menu system.
Get started now for free!
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Add 30 meals
Add 10 table or room
Auto notification of telegram requests
The limit of requests per month is 1000
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Reviews and ratings
Order from table or room
Full access to all features
Add 20 categories
Add 100 meals
Add 50 table or room
Auto notification of telegram requests
The limit of requests per month is 10000
Communication support
Reviews and ratings
Order from table or room
Full access to all features
Unlimited categories
Unlimited meals
Unlimited table or room
Auto notification of telegram requests
Unlimited requests per month
Communication support
Reviews and ratings
Order from table or room
Phone for contacting our support team: +998 95 047 95 94
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